In Charge or Influential? The Modern Leader’s Choice If you asked 20 professionals today to describe the qualities of a great leader, you’d likely get 20 different answers. But in a world of rapid change, global competition, and disruptive technology, one leadership trait consistently rises to the top: influence. Decades ago, leadership was synonymous with being in charge—issuing directives, enforcing policies, and setting the rules. But today’s most successful leaders? They don’t just give orders. They create movements. They don’t just manage teams. They inspire them. They don’t just Read More
It’s the WHY That Makes All the Difference
It’s the WHY That Makes All the Difference
The Missing Piece That Separates Good Leaders from Great Ones Read More
Leadership…How to be the Person Others Want to Follow!
Leadership…How to be the Person Others Want to Follow!
The Power of Influence and Empowerment By Business Motivational Speaker and Human Relations Expert Connie Podesta Bottom line? If there was ever a time this world needs great leaders--it is NOW! But let there be no doubt about it, Leadership and helping others succeed? Is a TOUGH job. It’s both a privilege and a life-changing responsibility. As a leader, YOU have a direct impact on other people’s successes (or failures) as a result of: Your Choices. Your intellect. Your creativity. Your power to influence. Your Integrity. And your ability to coach, mentor and teach others Read More
How to Fire Someone and NOT Feel Guilty!
How to Fire Someone and NOT Feel Guilty!
by Motivational Speaker Connie Podesta... It's one of the toughest things leadership has to face. Firing, letting go...laying off. It's stressful, uncomfortable and awkward for most managers. I have a few thoughts on the topic that I'd like to share from a leadership interview I did... I hope it makes a difference for you... Leadership takes courage, more so now than I think in a very long time. Expectations are high and truly a lot is on the line. As a leadership speaker, I'm always focused on giving managers and team leaders new insights, strategies and solutions Read More