Understanding What Makes People Tick is the #1 Key to Success
by Motivational Keynote Speaker Connie Podesta
So here’s what I hear all the time on the phone from potential clients, “To be honest Connie, I don’t get it! Why does my audience need an expert in psychology? We’re going through a lot of (Fill in the topic blank: Stress. Change. Upheaval. Downsizing. New leadership. Etc. etc.) We need a speaker who can increase our: (Fill in the blank: Sales. Profits. Market Share. Productivity. Leadership. Etc. etc.) Just how can psychology help all that?”
My response? “I don’t get it either. How can your organization ever accomplish anything? Sell anything? Lead anyone? Change anything? Update anything? Negotiate anything? Teach anything? Improve anything WITHOUT an understanding of the psychology of human relations and behavior? Those things that make people do what they do? Say what they say? React the way they react? Think the way they think? Behave the way they behave?”
I’ve been teaching, coaching, speaking to, consulting with, and listening to more than two million people worldwide for more than 40 years.
I know this for a fact: What stresses people out the very most is what organizations train and teach the very least and that is how to successfully navigate, mediate, and communicate with the people whose buy-in, support, ownership, and consensus they desperately need to get the job done right!
It’s all about PEOPLE.
I’ve been helping people understand people most of my life. Why? Because without a really thorough understanding of human nature and behavior, people will NOT be able to lead successfully. Close more deals. Produce more. Work as a productive team. Collaborate. Innovate. Increase profits. Rev up performance. Get rid of negative attitudes. And enjoy life the way they should!
Successful organizations get it! You can see it in their conference programs. A different breed of speaker is showing up among industry experts. Speakers like me. Who want to dig deeper. Who want to teach more than just the latest trend or newest product or create another round of quarterly goals. Speakers like me, who want your team to UNDERSTAND how every word they say, move they make, attitude they express, look they give, and objection they raise has a consequence. People watch us. Listen to us. And are impacted by us. So how we engage, interact, and work with them is crucial to our success level and the relationships we build.
Want to experience more success as an organization? Make more money? Blow away the competition? Then let me help you help your team by giving them a chance to explore and better understand themselves and others. With that? They can truly bring to the table the talents you need to prosper and succeed.