And How it’s Changed Everything
By Motivational Keynote Speaker Connie Podesta
This vacation was my best ever. I did nothing. We didn’t sightsee. I didn’t learn anything new. I didn’t read anything non-fiction. I literally — did nothing productive! I read a romance novel. Drank mint and cucumber water. Watched Netflix. Had a crunchy salad. Walked along the ocean. Meditated. Had a watermelon salad. Snuggled. Snacked. Watched the sunset. Had a great white wine. Walked some more. Ate wonderful seafood. Slept. And slept some more. Floated in the ocean. Had a fresh fruit smoothie. Got a massage. Had a Starbucks. Snuggled some more. Napped. Tried octopus. (Ick!) Listened to Hawaiian music. Swam or rather floated. Had a margarita. Stretched. Breathed deeply. Had an apple. Laid in a hammock. Napped. Read another silly book. Had pineapple ice cream. Did yoga on the beach. Sat still for a whole half hour. Grateful thoughts. Most of the time. Had water. And more water.
What happened then? The days went by. Luxuriously slow. And my mind calmed down. And I stopped worrying. And planning. And controlling. And fixing. And feeling guilty. For doing nothing. Nothing became easier and easier. I continued to sleep. Nap. Read. Walk. Eat. Drink. Stretch. I became a puddle of wonderful peacefulness. And that? Was TOTALLY unlike me! And THAT? Was blissfully awesome. And the big surprise for me? A keep pushing, keep working, keep doing and doing and doing person? For the first time ever I’m in love with doing nothing. I don’t see it as a waste. Or lazy. Or unfocused. I see it as a gift to myself. A precious gift. Now I’m back to work. Calls every minute. Deadlines due. Clients waiting. Demand after demand. But that’s OK. Because now I know now I can stop. Really STOP. Maybe not for a week. But for an hour. Or five minutes. And relive the awesomeness of nothingness. Open that gift again and again. I wish I’d discovered this years ago. Thank God I discovered it now. Whew! Now I need a nap. And a margarita!
I hope you discover the same kind of gift for yourself. It’s life-changing. I’d love to hear your thoughts! Visit my Facebook page – or leave your comments below! Thanks!