Wondering how to infuse your team with a little humor and insights that can help break the tension and turn up morale and productivity? I’ve got you!
If your team seems to be missing its usual spark, you’re certainly not alone. Let’s face it, for a lot of organizations, the last couple of years have been an idea-stifling, rut-producing, stress-inducing ball of…well, you get the idea.
To be fair, the slump is understandable. There’s a lot of division out there, a lot of negative news, a lot of decisions being made on brick and mortar versus remote work. Employee stress levels are off-the-charts, especially if they are navigating all this change while managing families and shifting work environments.
The good news? There’s something powerful you can do RIGHT NOW to turn the tide.
Give your team a much-needed boost of mental well-being! I’m not talking about time off or a yoga class. I’m suggesting a radically different virtual meeting that takes them by complete surprise. Something that’s so different, so unexpected, and so much FUN that it helps them shake off the pandemic funk and refocus on what’s important.
I know firsthand how that can be a game-changer. In recent months, I’ve been working with business leaders and companies to use this unique approach to both validate and reinvigorate their teams. I’ve created customized INTERACTIVE (no talking-head! Yay!) virtual sessions that deliver valuable SUBSTANCE (sales, leadership, customer service, adapting to change, etc.) blended with a healthy dose of humor, a shot of psychology to provide insight and self-awareness, and plenty of therapeutic motivation.
My style of motivation is NOT the rah-rah, quick-fix kind—it’s the face reality, take action and get results kind! Feedback? My clients are loving what they are describing as the most “non-virtual” virtual presentation out there. How cool is that? Reviews are reporting excellent results—renewed excitement, increased collaboration, improved morale, higher productivity and… a fresh surge of resiliency. The spark has returned. It’s about time!
If you want to help your team members get back on track and finish the year stronger than you ever imagined, then let’s give them the mental well-being, reality-based boost they really need. And deserve. Plus, some unexpected fun!
Call me today at (945) 284-0225 or email me at Connie@ConniePodesta.com! I’m ready to help!
What Clients Are Saying:
“I just hosted an amazing Zoom event tonight with Connie Podesta, an incredible speaker, expert in the psychology of human behavior, and comedian. Not at all the “typical” virtual—hers was full of interaction, substance and… fun—the perfect blend! Her take on life with all the %#* this last year has thrown at us was refreshingly realistic and insightful. In a time when the entire world feels like it’s falling apart, Connie gave us exactly what we needed to break out of our 2020 funk so we can both survive and thrive in this crazy world.” – Meg, Mickey’s Dream Vacations