Leadership Perceptions De-Bunked
By Hall of Fame Keynote Speaker Connie Podesta
Bottom line? YOU ARE A LEADER. All the time. Whether you’re at work or at home. Employed or stay at home parent. Paid job or volunteer. Willing or unwilling. Honestly? It doesn’t make any difference what you do or choose not do. Even if you THINK you are a follower and always avoid center stage, you can’t escape the fact that you are ALWAYS in the position to influence other people’s thoughts, actions and attitudes. That’s quite a responsibility. We influence others all the time. By what we say and do. How we act and react. What we believe or rail against. When we talk or stay silent. If we open up or keep things to ourselves. Active or passive. Right or wrong. The reality is that the CHOICES we make have an impact on other people all the time.
Leadership means that we are aware of the power we have. And it’s quite a responsibility. And a privilege not to be wasted. Oh — and get this. People have a tendency to pay attention to us–to watch, witness and imitate us—NOT when things are smooth sailing but rather when life is not going exactly the way we had planned. Oh NO! Unfortunately, our good days and good deeds can go quite unnoticed, but when we are out of sorts. Out of control. Out of ideas. Out of patience. Out of hope. And totally into ourselves. Oh, that’s when all eyes are on us. Fair? No. True? Yes.
Leadership is the ability to live outside of yourself. To understand how much power you have when it comes to your realm of influence. Does that mean you have to always be happy or positive or in control. No way. But it means you have to acknowledge that your choices affect others. Your attitudes are contagious. Your moods are transferrable. Your ideas are believed. Your presence is felt. Your voice is heard. And when things go bad—as will invariably happen—your awareness of your power to influence affects your choices of how to act and react to whatever life throws your way. We cannot always control what happens to us—but we can change how we react to those people and situations.
Leadership is: an awareness of power. A measure of character. A promise to ourselves and others. A standard by which we can live. And thrive. And share. And change the world for the better.
Here’s a quick video to share with your team!
In my latest eBook on Leadership, you can learn more about the top ten traits of amazing people who understand and accept their part in influencing others in a positive way.