By Motivational Speaker Connie Podesta
I know, I know. As a motivational keynote speaker, I can’t tell you how many times I hear the battle cry, “Just be YOU! Don’t change! You’re enough!” And yet, here’s my question: How’s that REALLY working for you? Be honest now. Got the house you want? Car you want? Partner you want? Wealth you want? Body you want? Job you want? Happiness you want? Health you want? Peace you want? Confidence you want? Success you want?
Then maybe – when it comes to getting what you want – just being YOU isn’t enough after all.
Listen, I’m all about being your own cheerleader. About leaving that “beating yourself up” thing in the dust because, truly, the world has enough critics. That’s not what I’m saying here. What I’m saying is, if being US, just the way we are at this very second, is the honest to goodness end game, then is that all there is? If so, that’s scary and sad – and leaves no room for progress, growth or change.
Maybe it’s time to take a deep dive into yourself. If you seriously want things you’ve never had and more than you have at this very second, then now’s the time to QUIT…
- Compromising
- Overlooking
- Avoiding
- Making excuses
- Playing games
- Giving in
- Feeling guilty
- Settling for who you are now rather than fighting for who you can be
I can hear it now: the screams of indignity, the shouts of dissent, the accusations of shaming. “I LOVE ME JUST THE WAY I AM.” Well, you’ll never, ever hear those words come out of my mouth.
Don’t get me wrong. I love myself as I am. I forgive myself when I make mistakes. And I am kind to myself no matter what. But I do not accept the fact that who I am now is as good as it gets!
The bottom line is, if you’re using acceptance as an excuse to stop growing and learning, or eating better, or exercising, or finding a loving partner, or going after the job you’ve always wanted, then you’re sabotaging every chance you have to be the best person you can be. I’ve discovered after 30 years of counseling, coaching and speaking to more than 2 million people that the ones who are the most vocal about “loving who they are” aren’t very happy at all.
I’m asking you to consider the flip side of total self-acceptance: to love when you’re growing and changing every second… to love feeling confident and proud of yourself for taking on change and learning from it… to love when you don’t let yourself off the hook in terms of taking risks and living life in the status quo… to love challenging yourself to be your BEST self every single day.
To love the pride you feel when you don’t give up on yourself or settle for less than you want or deserve… to love accepting yourself at each stage of growth… to love being kind to yourself, even when you’re in the process of kicking your own butt to grow and evolve… to love demanding fair treatment from others, even when you’re far from perfect.
And to love resisting the temptation to be happy with the way things have always been and, instead, love the ever-changing person you can be.
Love your uniqueness. Love the qualities that set you apart. Love the story that makes you the you that you are. Don’t just unpack and stay put. Embrace change. Look for opportunities to grow. Tiptoe – or take a great leap – into an unknown or out of your comfort zone. Walk out of the constant safety zone and into new experiences and adventures. When you do, your whole perspective changes. Your life changes in extraordinary ways.
So, are YOU ready to look at YOU a little differently? To take off the rose-colored glasses and explore what else life has in store for you? Do it. Start today. I’d love to hear about it. Join me on Facebook, and let me know your thoughts! And if you want to learn more about how to invite change and happiness into your life, check out the first chapter of my book, Happiness is Serious Business.