By Hall of Fame Speaker Connie Podesta
The reality is? It’s not about anyone else. It’s not about your parents. Or your boss. Or your coworker. Or your childhood. It’s not about bad breaks, lack of luck, or whatever the heck the Joneses are up to. Your reality is up to one person and one person alone: YOU.
Big question. As a former therapist and a keynote speaker who works with human beings all over the globe, I can tell you it’s a rare thing to find someone who asks, “Connie, what am I doing that is sabotaging my success?” That’s usually a step six conversation – right?
A smarter place to start. So many people start with every reason in the world why they’re unhappy, unfulfilled, or not living up to their potential. The truth is that if they DID start with, “What am I doing that is getting in my own way?” – they’d save time, money, energy, and stress because that would put them on the fast track for getting the results they want.
Instead of avoiding reality — own it. Own where you are and how you got there. Then let the how you got there part go and focus on what YOU can do right here and right now to shift your life in new directions. Own it all so that YOU can quit REACTING to everything and start taking strategic, thoughtful, pro-active ACTIONS that will help you define your life on your terms.
Forget smoke and mirrors. There’s no leverage to find in dealing with falsehoods. No way to grow from living in a lie – however harmless you might think it is. No traction to gain by keeping your head in the sand or hiding behind “I didn’t know”.
Ready to shift your life for the better? Look reality squarely in the eye and get on with it. Your ability to CREATE your own reality is yours for the taking.
Watch the video below to learn more.
You might also want to check out my series The Top 10 Things You Need to Quit to Become a Better You on YouTube.
Could your team members benefit from a reality check that allows them to communicate more effectively, live in the present, and connect assertively and professionally? Give me a call! I’ve got just the right keynote topic for your next event.