From What You CAN’T Do to What You CAN
By Motivational Speaker and Human Behavior Expert Connie Podesta
The truth is, so many of us are our own worst critics.
We spend countless hours and a great deal of our LIVES consumed with the things we can’t do. Or don’t have. Regrets. Missed opportunities. Not one solitary second of all that negative self-reflection will do us one positive thing.
What it costs us though is a very high price. So QUIT IT! Right now and flip that equation over. What do you do WELL? What are your STRENGTHS? What are you PASSIONATE about? What is your CALLING? Lean into those things and let all that other stuff go.
I know, I know – “But Connie, most motivational speakers or experts tell us to focus on strengthening our weaknesses.” My thought is why?
So you can get to where you want to go more slowly? There are things you were born to do. Things that you are inherently good at. Things that you are excited to put into play when your feet hit the floor every day. And then there are things that just aren’t going to click with you. Stuff you need to QUIT trying to do. QUIT worrying about it. QUIT being self-critical over. Start instead to begin fueling the good stuff. Put your time, effort, and energy into making the good parts of you even better. I’m not saying ignore your weaknesses altogether. If some things can use some improvement – then, by all means, work on those – but not as your primary focus. Figure out what you do well and lean into that.
Sometimes it’s best just to face our limitations and move on. Quickly. So we can uncover our talents faster. For example, in high school, I remember that I was trying hard to figure out where I would fit in. So I tried out for cheerleading. Didn’t make it. Tried out for the dance team. Gymnastics. Softball. Didn’t make any of those teams either. I felt like a failure. I thought my only chance was to take classes. Or lessons. Or private coaching to help me get better. At things I already knew I wasn’t born to do. Then…I tried out for speech and debate. Guess what? Payoff. Big time. It just clicked. What were you born to do? Sell? Lead? Facilitate? Organize? Plan? Create? Raise a family? Help others? Teach? Design? Build? What comes naturally to you? The job itself is not as important as your ability to find your calling somewhere, somehow within that job. Find your calling and you will find your life more swiftly moving in the direction that you want it to.
Oh, and if you are an organizational leader – help your team members LEAN INTO their talents and strengths. Take the time to LEARN about what makes them TICK in the best possible way and then help build their responsibilities and job around them. Your company will thrive because THEY will thrive. If you want to learn more about how to help them do that, call me. It’s one of my FAVORITE things to teach.
Watch this video on the topic:
I look forward to sharing more on the topic. Today – write down the top three strengths that you absolutely know about yourself and give yourself credit for them. THEN, look for ways you can build on them, rather than looking for what breaks you down.
Learn more about defining happiness in your own life by checking out my book Redefining Happiness. You can read the first chapter for free! I’d love to hear your thoughts! Have a great one!
If you’re ready to boost the strengths of your entire organization? Let’s talk about how I can absolutely help you do that. Contact me today!