Life Changes When YOU Do: The Power of Self-Caring Read More
The Power to Choose: 4 Ways to Control Your Own Destiny
The Power to Choose: 4 Ways to Control Your Own Destiny
Never—EVER—give up the power to control your own destiny. Not to anyone in your past, present, or future. Here’s the coolest thing about life: YOU get to choose who and what you let into it. How amazing is that? And here’s the kicker—you can be as picky as you want. In fact, you should be. Why? Because every person you allow into your circle, every situation you engage in, and every decision you make shapes your life—not just today but for the long haul. These choices influence your habits, your mindset, your self-esteem, and even your confidence. So, let’s talk about three powerful ways Read More
Parenting… Like You’ve Never Heard it Before!
Parenting… Like You’ve Never Heard it Before!
by Hall of Fame Keynote Speaker and Human Behavior Expert Connie Podesta As a former therapist and educator - one thing I've been asked A LOT about throughout my career is KIDS. Of all shapes, sizes, and ages. How to raise them well? How to manage teenagers? How to teach them to be respectful and kind? How to handle teach them to be independent OF you -- rather than dependent ON you. There's a lot to take in, and parenting, by far, is one of the most important jobs most of us will ever take on. That's why I created a video series and playlist just for parents with ten powerful (and Read More
Millennial Alert: How to Handle Older Folks in the Workplace
Millennial Alert: How to Handle Older Folks in the Workplace
12 Insights from Someone Who’s Been There, Done That By Motivational Business Keynote Speaker Connie Podesta I recently spoke to a large audience made up mostly of millennials. And they had tons of questions about working with “older people”. And I realized ... hey, that’s me! I am always teaching people how to deal with the millennials, but I never teach them how to deal with us. So, in fun, here are a few good tips when working with the rest of us that just might come in handy. Whichever side of the generational fence you’re on – these will be good tips to take with you! 13 Top Read More
What I Discovered in the Nothingness…
What I Discovered in the Nothingness…
And How it’s Changed Everything By Motivational Keynote Speaker Connie Podesta This vacation was my best ever. I did nothing. We didn't sightsee. I didn't learn anything new. I didn't read anything non-fiction. I literally -- did nothing productive! I read a romance novel. Drank mint and cucumber water. Watched Netflix. Had a crunchy salad. Walked along the ocean. Meditated. Had a watermelon salad. Snuggled. Snacked. Watched the sunset. Had a great white wine. Walked some more. Ate wonderful seafood. Slept. And slept some more. Floated in the ocean. Had a fresh fruit smoothie. Got a Read More
Finding Your Balance.
Finding Your Balance.
It's Not About Equal Time by Keynote Speaker and Human Relationship Expert Connie Podesta As a motivational keynote speaker in today's sometimes chaotic world, I'm often asked by clients to deliver a message on BALANCE and I'm happy to share. The truth is balance will never, EVER be about equal time. It's just not. For anyone who works, enjoys a career, has outside interests, volunteers, is a parent, is a spouse or partner, has aging parents -- you name it - you can't equal out the time. “Balancing Home and Career” gives the illusion that there’s a magical way to equalize these two Read More
How to Turn Limitations Into Strengths
How to Turn Limitations Into Strengths
And See Yourself in a Whole New Light by Motivational Keynote Speaker Connie Podesta So it’s a no brainer that we need to leverage our strengths. If…we even know what they are. Unfortunately most people are so focused on what they can’t do or wish they could do, that they don’t even take time to realize what they can bring to the table. So step one. Figure out exactly what it is you do really well. And be proud of it. Let people know about it. Find ways to bring those talents into your job. Your relationships. Your quest for success. Even your health. Here’s a tip: Don‘t Read More
Keeping Pace with Joy, Balance, and Success By Motivational Keynote Speaker Connie Podesta Procrastination is the silent killer of ambition, productivity, achievement, even peace and balance. And most importantly, it undermines your own HAPPINESS. Trust me, putting things off causes more stress, worry, and insecurity about the future than just taking a deep breath and taking the first step. Where to start? ANYWHERE. When I find myself trying to avoid something, I look for the easiest place to start. The cheapest. The least frightening. The most accessible. The most comfortable. The Read More
How to Get People On Board Podcast
How to Get People On Board Podcast
An Interview with Rory Vaden I had a lot to share in a recent interview with Rory Vaden, a leader from the Daily Discipline Blog. Here are a few highlights of what we covered: - Why your kids, your spouse, your team members, and your customers aren't listening to you. - How to get anyone “on board” with your ideas in the first few seconds. - Find out if you are a “Relator” or a “Bottom-liner” and how it impacts your influence - Why being a great leader requires you to be a great influencer… - If someone is to be uncomfortable in the sales Read More
Balance: It’s NEVER About Time
Balance: It’s NEVER About Time
Changing Your Perspective on What it REALLY Means to Find Balance By Motivational Keynote Speaker and Change Expert Connie Podesta BALANCE? It seems like everyone’s talking about it right now, but more often than not, people are struggling to make it all feel like it’s evened out. The truth is? It’s never going to be EVEN. We live in busy times and lead busy lives and work takes up an incredible amount of our waking hours. And while that is a reality – it doesn’t HAVE to be a negative. When writing the book on balance for my 10 Ways to Stand Out From the Crowd, it’s a topic we Read More