By Hall of Fame Speaker Connie Podesta Change is tough. Change on a global scale that has literally hit home and business in every conceivable way? Can stop people – teams – and companies in their tracks. So, how do we get people to lean into their inherent resilience? To get out of fear that is playing in their heads and back to leading, servicing, connecting, selling, and communicating in new and adaptive ways? We add a little psychology into the mix. We teach them that change is what we do – and do well – as human beings. We gift them with tools and insights and strategies that Read More
9 Top Things You Need to Quit To Repel Toxic People
9 Top Things You Need to Quit To Repel Toxic People
By Motivational Keynote Speaker and Human Behavior Expert Connie Podesta Toxic people? Should come with a warning label. You know, like those hazardous materials signs you see in hospitals or demolition sites? Because they are hazardous to our health. To our well-being. To our emotional state. Our mental state. Our ability to succeed at high levels. To the good relationships they are bent to erode. Our sense of self-worth. So why do we do it? Why do we keep people like that in our lives? Well, because change is tough, really tough for most people. But change is a good thing – even a Read More
Quit Avoiding Difficult Decisions
Quit Avoiding Difficult Decisions
By Hall of Fame Speaker Connie Podesta, CSP, CPAE Decisions are a part of life, especially the difficult ones. The ones that you have to weigh out a little more than most because they can mean a change of direction, new opportunity, new job, or a choice in a relationship. Every day we’re faced with crossroads and opportunities to choose. I had a radio show, then I was offered a speaking job. When I was speaking full time, I was offered a television show. Each time, I had a big, difficult decision to make. I’m glad I made them. For every great decision I’ve made in my life, I’m sure there Read More
Quit Setting Goals!
Quit Setting Goals!
By Hall of Fame Speaker Connie Podesta All right – don’t start sending me hate mail! Let me say first, if you are a goal setter and that is absolutely working for you – stop reading. This is not the post for you. This post is for everyone out there who may feel a little – or a lot like I do. The ones who feel like setting goals can be constrictive. Restrictive. Binding. Limiting. Forced. Uncomfortable. A confidence-killer. Hear me out. You might not know this, but for a lot of us, this whole goal setting thing is a sure-fire method for feeling locked in and limited. Why? Because Read More
Quit Underestimating the Importance of Childhood Messages
Quit Underestimating the Importance of Childhood Messages
By Human Behavior Expert & Hall of Fame Speaker Connie Podesta Straight talk? If you’re 25, 65+ years old or anywhere in between and you’re still blaming your parents for a few (or many) things you believe are responsible for the condition of your life right now – then you’re totally on the wrong path. Now I’m not saying to discount any negative childhood messages or experiences. I’m definitely 100% an advocate for children who’ve been through trauma and I know what that means moving into adulthood. What I am saying is that when you reach the age of adulthood, it’s time to use your Read More
Quit Manipulating the People in Your Life
Quit Manipulating the People in Your Life
By Hall of Fame Speaker Connie Podesta “Me? Manipulative?! No way.” Before you assume this article is NOT about you, keep reading. We enter many of our conversations with desired outcomes. We want to get the project approved. Or land the big client. Or convince the rest of the family to choose the movie we want to see. Whatever it is, we infuse emotions as a tool to “manage” the course of our conversations. Many times, passion and enthusiasm can pave the road to positive results. But what happens if those conversation-managing emotions take a darker turn? I’m talking about Read More
Quit Moving on When the Sale is Closed
Quit Moving on When the Sale is Closed
By Connie Podesta, Hall of Fame Speaker Let’s be clear salespeople – if you’re only in it for the money, you’re leaving money on the table. How’s that for an attention-getter? Sales is an amazing industry, often with sky’s-the-limit earning potential, but you and I both know that there are plenty of people in it just for the quick dollar, not the long-term customer relationship. You know the ones, right? Those who literally move on to find their next deal before the ink is dry on the sale they just closed? Here’s what you are missing: The lifetime value of a client. Personally, more than Read More
CHANGE: It’s In Your DNA
CHANGE: It’s In Your DNA
Especially in Today’s World By Motivational Keynote Speaker and Human Behavior Expert Connie Podesta In my best-selling book 10 Ways to Stand Out From the Crowd, the first topic I tackle is CHANGE. That’s because it’s such a pivotal part of creating the life you really want. Change is scary, I get it. Our volatile world today is changing seemingly at the speed of light and we, as human beings, are desperately trying to do one of two things: embrace change and learn to adapt, or fight it with all that we have and stay stuck in the past. Since time most certainly will march on with or Read More
Just Me and the Audience
Just Me and the Audience
Why I Don’t Use Slides or PowerPoint By Motivational Keynote Speaker Connie Podesta I’m often asked why I don’t use slides in my keynote presentations. (Most people just hug me when they find out I'm PowerPoint free!). Here’s my thought: It’s not about the slides. I don’t have a personal grudge against PowerPoint or anything – or even those who use it. It’s just not ME. If you’ve ever seen me speak – or know me personally, one thing will come across probably in the first three minutes: I engage immediately with my audiences. I’m direct. And I absolutely LOVE playing off my Read More
No SALES tips in Your Speech?
No SALES tips in Your Speech?
You’re Shortchanging Your Audience By Sales Keynote Speaker Connie Podesta There’s one outstanding reason why I weave a bit of sales strategy into every single talk I give: because everyone is in sales--they just don't know it. No matter what their job title, description, industry or organization--their ability to sell ( or not) is a game changer. First I teach them how to sell themselves! We dig deep into their personality-pros and cons. Strengths and weaknesses. Then we identify their style of communication. Then move into levels of confidence. And finally discuss their ability to Read More