By Motivational Keynote Speaker Connie Podesta So what's the deal with not wearing watches these days? Look around. Half the population have left their watches in a drawer at home just waiting to be used again. In fact, to some people, wearing a watch has become a sign of old age. An antiquated accessory (or so goes the myth) no longer necessary since the iPhone came into play. Well think again. When asked the time I can, with a flick of my wrist and a quick eye glance, answer before someone with a phone can even begin to find it, turn it on, get lost in Facebook distractions, and deliver Read More
How to Stand Out From the Crowd
How to Stand Out From the Crowd
And Why That’s More Important Than EVER By Motivational Keynote Speaker Connie Podesta I always tell my audiences, "If there was ever a time to differentiate yourself and Stand Out From The Crowd--it is NOW! Business as usual is over!" Bottom line: To rise to the top and stay there as an organization you must be able to answer this #1 question: "What do you bring to the table that is so unique, outstanding, so UNEXPECTEDLY awesome--that people would CHOOSE to do business with you, partner with you, buy from you, and trust you - rather than someone else?” Because the truth is Read More
6 Secrets to Creating a Powerful, Personalized Presentation with LASTING Impact
6 Secrets to Creating a Powerful, Personalized Presentation with LASTING Impact
Why Cookie Cutter Content Doesn’t Work By Motivational Keynote Speaker Connie Podesta After more than twenty five years of delivering keynotes, facilitating events, and acting as the master of ceremonies for organizations all over the globe, one thing is for sure – there’s not much I haven’t seen, or heard from the stage. Here’s what I know doesn’t work – DOESN’T create lasting impact or positive change: tired, canned speeches that don't relate to YOUR specific audience. You know the ones. Where the person behind the microphone is referencing age-old technology or telling the same Read More
What I Discovered in the Nothingness…
What I Discovered in the Nothingness…
And How it’s Changed Everything By Motivational Keynote Speaker Connie Podesta This vacation was my best ever. I did nothing. We didn't sightsee. I didn't learn anything new. I didn't read anything non-fiction. I literally -- did nothing productive! I read a romance novel. Drank mint and cucumber water. Watched Netflix. Had a crunchy salad. Walked along the ocean. Meditated. Had a watermelon salad. Snuggled. Snacked. Watched the sunset. Had a great white wine. Walked some more. Ate wonderful seafood. Slept. And slept some more. Floated in the ocean. Had a fresh fruit smoothie. Got a Read More
LEADERSHIP—What Works and What Doesn’t!
LEADERSHIP—What Works and What Doesn’t!
And How You Can Make it WORK For You By Leadership Keynote Speaker Connie Podesta As I work with leaders, managers and supervisors around the world, I keep running into the same four leadership styles. One is amazingly effective and promotes a healthy, productive environment and the other three? Well they do exactly the opposite. They create havoc. Lack of motivation. Disruption. Teams that can’t work together. Low productivity. Resistance to change. And high turnover. Let’s take a look at what DOESN”T work first. Number one: The micro-manager. You know the type. Overachieving, Read More
How You Approach Work Makes All the Difference in the World!
How You Approach Work Makes All the Difference in the World!
The Difference Between a Calling, a Career, and "Just a Job" By Business Motivational Keynote Speaker and Human Behavior expert Connie Podesta After speaking to and interviewing thousands of people throughout my career, it became very apparent to me that individuals basically approach their life’s work in one of three ways. Take a peek at each three descriptions and see which one DESCRIBES YOU the best. A Calling. Do you have an absolute innate gift for what you do? You know – where you have that feeling that you were born to do whatever it is you do. Selling. Teaching. Planning. Read More
Finding Your Balance.
Finding Your Balance.
It's Not About Equal Time by Keynote Speaker and Human Relationship Expert Connie Podesta As a motivational keynote speaker in today's sometimes chaotic world, I'm often asked by clients to deliver a message on BALANCE and I'm happy to share. The truth is balance will never, EVER be about equal time. It's just not. For anyone who works, enjoys a career, has outside interests, volunteers, is a parent, is a spouse or partner, has aging parents -- you name it - you can't equal out the time. “Balancing Home and Career” gives the illusion that there’s a magical way to equalize these two Read More
Understanding Generational Mindsets
Understanding Generational Mindsets
A Lesson in Generations By Motivational Keynote Speaker Connie Podesta I was interviewed while keynoting a leadership conference a while back and asked the question, “What can leaders do to help the generational diversity out there?” It was a good question and one that I think is really important for today’s leaders. You know, it’s easy to play the blame game-right? The older generation is quick to judge the younger generations and the younger generation, frankly is quick to do the same. Here’s the deal. The Baby Boomers are known for being hard workers, nose-to-the-grindstone Read More
Never SETTLE for Less Than You Deserve
Never SETTLE for Less Than You Deserve
Getting More from Your Life and Time By Motivational Keynote Speaker Connie Podesta Too often we see those who respect others and treat others with kindness and compassion--but then manage to not be nearly as kind of themselves. They SETTLE for less than they deserve. Here’s what you need to know: When people believe that true love, more money, losing weight, a promotion, or a bigger house is the thing they need before they can be truly happy, then they invariably SETTLE for less. In their attempt to find the solution to their unhappiness, they will grab the first thing that comes Read More
Take the Wheel!
Take the Wheel!
Taking Charge of a Memorable Life By Hall-of-Fame Motivational Keynote Speaker Connie Podesta Coincidence. Luck. Karma. Fate. Chance. Words tossed around A LOT lately, right? Sometimes as excuses for bad choices, right? Sometimes heard from those who believe that life is just lobbing lemons at them and there’s no recipe for lemonade. And sometimes, the foundation for lives lived unfulfilled and unhappy because people resign themselves to the fact that ‘that’s just the way life is.” No. The truth is you can feel POWERLESS, and take on the ‘life’s unfair’ attitude, or you can feel Read More