The Flip Side of Asking People to Work for Free You get what you pay for. There. I said it. Too harsh? Some might think so. As for me, I not only know my worth, as a professional keynote speaker for more than 25 years – I teach others to know THEIR worth. That’s hard to do when you agree to work for free. Imagine asking any other professional to do their job for no pay. Your plumber, doctor, hairdresser, or car service department – think about asking them to do their job for free in the hopes that someone might witness them devaluing themselves and their work. Can you see how that Read More
Connie Podesta Headlines ATD International Conference & Exposition Alongside Obama and Marcus Buckingham
Connie Podesta Headlines ATD International Conference & Exposition Alongside Obama and Marcus Buckingham
San Diego, CA: May 10, 2018: The ATD International Conference & Exposition boasted record attendance as headliners Barack Obama, Marcus Buckingham, and Closing Keynoter Connie Podesta delivered timely topics and cutting-edge strategies from the start of the 4-day conference to the closing session. The conference hosted more than 10,000 registrants who attended 300+ sessions, for more over 14 hours of education. Connie Podesta, MS, CPAE, CSP shared one of her most requested topics, Life Would Be Easy if it Weren’t for Other People, pulled from her acclaimed book of the same title. It Read More