Learning to Celebrate Your Imperfections by Motivational Keynote Speaker Connie Podesta Perfection? Overrated. Unreachable. Exhausting. Impossible. Obsessive. Look, I’m not saying don’t stop reaching for more. Far from it. But no one—NO ONE—is perfect. Happiness is getting to that point in your life where you can say, “I don’t have to have it all, do it all, be the best,” and being all right with that. You know, there’s a very real difference between getting it perfect and giving it all you have. Happiness is about realizing that mistakes are part of life’s crazy plan so we can learn Read More
15 Things to Quit Today to Stop Making BAD Decisions
15 Things to Quit Today to Stop Making BAD Decisions
By Motivational Keynote Speaker and Human Behavior Expert Connie Podesta Bad choices? Sure, we all make them. Hopefully as we get older (and sometimes wiser) though, we figure out that we can do better than that. If you’re ready to start making BETTER choices, let’s take a look at the top 15 things to quit starting today. Quit avoiding reality. Too many people live in an “if only” or “I wish” fantasy world—and not in the reality of what is actually going on at this moment!Be honest with yourself. Making choices based on what you wish would happen or should happen or might happen is Read More
Parenting… Like You’ve Never Heard it Before!
Parenting… Like You’ve Never Heard it Before!
by Hall of Fame Keynote Speaker and Human Behavior Expert Connie Podesta As a former therapist and educator - one thing I've been asked A LOT about throughout my career is KIDS. Of all shapes, sizes, and ages. How to raise them well? How to manage teenagers? How to teach them to be respectful and kind? How to handle teach them to be independent OF you -- rather than dependent ON you. There's a lot to take in, and parenting, by far, is one of the most important jobs most of us will ever take on. That's why I created a video series and playlist just for parents with ten powerful (and Read More
Quit Avoiding Difficult Decisions
Quit Avoiding Difficult Decisions
By Hall of Fame Speaker Connie Podesta, CSP, CPAE Decisions are a part of life, especially the difficult ones. The ones that you have to weigh out a little more than most because they can mean a change of direction, new opportunity, new job, or a choice in a relationship. Every day we’re faced with crossroads and opportunities to choose. I had a radio show, then I was offered a speaking job. When I was speaking full time, I was offered a television show. Each time, I had a big, difficult decision to make. I’m glad I made them. For every great decision I’ve made in my life, I’m sure there Read More
Quit Being a Victim
Quit Being a Victim
By Connie Podesta, Hall of Fame Speaker Straight talk? If you’re 25, 65+ years old or anywhere in between and you’re still blaming your parents for a few (or many) things you believe are responsible for the condition of your life right now – then you’re totally on the wrong path. Now I’m not saying to discount any negative childhood messages or experiences. I’m definitely 100% an advocate for children who’ve been through trauma and I know what that means moving into adulthood. What I am saying is that when you reach the age of adulthood, it’s time to use your awareness of what you’ve been Read More
Quit Setting Goals!
Quit Setting Goals!
By Hall of Fame Speaker Connie Podesta All right – don’t start sending me hate mail! Let me say first, if you are a goal setter and that is absolutely working for you – stop reading. This is not the post for you. This post is for everyone out there who may feel a little – or a lot like I do. The ones who feel like setting goals can be constrictive. Restrictive. Binding. Limiting. Forced. Uncomfortable. A confidence-killer. Hear me out. You might not know this, but for a lot of us, this whole goal setting thing is a sure-fire method for feeling locked in and limited. Why? Because Read More
Quit Underestimating the Importance of Childhood Messages
Quit Underestimating the Importance of Childhood Messages
By Human Behavior Expert & Hall of Fame Speaker Connie Podesta Straight talk? If you’re 25, 65+ years old or anywhere in between and you’re still blaming your parents for a few (or many) things you believe are responsible for the condition of your life right now – then you’re totally on the wrong path. Now I’m not saying to discount any negative childhood messages or experiences. I’m definitely 100% an advocate for children who’ve been through trauma and I know what that means moving into adulthood. What I am saying is that when you reach the age of adulthood, it’s time to use your Read More
Quit Allowing Yourself to Be Manipulated
Quit Allowing Yourself to Be Manipulated
By Hall of Fame Keynote Speaker Connie Podesta Oh, this topic is a doozy, but it’s universal. Everyone on the planet has come into contact with people who use manipulative emotions like hurt and anger to get their own way. Sometimes it’s obvious. Other times, interactions leave us blindsided by feelings of guilt or fear. No doubt about it, manipulative behavior can be powerful. It’s also a skill that gets tested and perfected from a very young age. I call it the “birth of a jerk” phase. Sounds harsh but stay with me here. Somewhere around three or four years old, kids begin testing Read More
Quit Accepting Yourself as You Are
Quit Accepting Yourself as You Are
By Motivational Speaker Connie Podesta I know, I know. As a motivational keynote speaker, I can’t tell you how many times I hear the battle cry, “Just be YOU! Don’t change! You’re enough!” And yet, here’s my question: How's that REALLY working for you? Be honest now. Got the house you want? Car you want? Partner you want? Wealth you want? Body you want? Job you want? Happiness you want? Health you want? Peace you want? Confidence you want? Success you want? Then maybe – when it comes to getting what you want – just being YOU isn’t enough after all. Listen, I’m all about being your own Read More
What I Discovered in the Nothingness…
What I Discovered in the Nothingness…
And How it’s Changed Everything By Motivational Keynote Speaker Connie Podesta This vacation was my best ever. I did nothing. We didn't sightsee. I didn't learn anything new. I didn't read anything non-fiction. I literally -- did nothing productive! I read a romance novel. Drank mint and cucumber water. Watched Netflix. Had a crunchy salad. Walked along the ocean. Meditated. Had a watermelon salad. Snuggled. Snacked. Watched the sunset. Had a great white wine. Walked some more. Ate wonderful seafood. Slept. And slept some more. Floated in the ocean. Had a fresh fruit smoothie. Got a Read More