Great leaders listen first. Build trust, inspire action, and create a team that wants to follow you—not because they have to, but because they believe in you. Read More
Quit the Negative Self Talk
Quit the Negative Self Talk
Bottom line? Communication Starts Within. Rewrite old scripts, embrace assertiveness, and protect your well-being for stronger connections and a better you. Read More
9 Top Things You Need to Quit To Repel Toxic People
9 Top Things You Need to Quit To Repel Toxic People
By Motivational Keynote Speaker and Human Behavior Expert Connie Podesta Toxic people? Should come with a warning label. You know, like those hazardous materials signs you see in hospitals or demolition sites? Because they are hazardous to our health. To our well-being. To our emotional state. Our mental state. Our ability to succeed at high levels. To the good relationships they are bent to erode. Our sense of self-worth. So why do we do it? Why do we keep people like that in our lives? Well, because change is tough, really tough for most people. But change is a good thing – even a Read More
Parenting… Like You’ve Never Heard it Before!
Parenting… Like You’ve Never Heard it Before!
by Hall of Fame Keynote Speaker and Human Behavior Expert Connie Podesta As a former therapist and educator - one thing I've been asked A LOT about throughout my career is KIDS. Of all shapes, sizes, and ages. How to raise them well? How to manage teenagers? How to teach them to be respectful and kind? How to handle teach them to be independent OF you -- rather than dependent ON you. There's a lot to take in, and parenting, by far, is one of the most important jobs most of us will ever take on. That's why I created a video series and playlist just for parents with ten powerful (and Read More
Quit Setting Goals!
Quit Setting Goals!
By Hall of Fame Speaker Connie Podesta All right – don’t start sending me hate mail! Let me say first, if you are a goal setter and that is absolutely working for you – stop reading. This is not the post for you. This post is for everyone out there who may feel a little – or a lot like I do. The ones who feel like setting goals can be constrictive. Restrictive. Binding. Limiting. Forced. Uncomfortable. A confidence-killer. Hear me out. You might not know this, but for a lot of us, this whole goal setting thing is a sure-fire method for feeling locked in and limited. Why? Because Read More
Quit Allowing People to Sabotage You
Quit Allowing People to Sabotage You
By Hall of Fame Speaker Connie Podesta Nothing throws a wrench in a meeting like the sneers of passive-aggressive people. Sitting there, arms folded, huffing and puffing. But they never really say what’s bugging them. Ugh! The next move is yours, and it’s pretty clear-cut. If you don’t shut down that sabotaging behavior now, you’re basically giving them a free pass to be rude. They are getting away with it, and you’re letting them. The only solution is to take a stand—and take action. I know what you’re thinking now: “But Connie, I don’t like conflict.” I get it. Most people don’t. Read More
Quit Manipulating the People in Your Life
Quit Manipulating the People in Your Life
By Hall of Fame Speaker Connie Podesta “Me? Manipulative?! No way.” Before you assume this article is NOT about you, keep reading. We enter many of our conversations with desired outcomes. We want to get the project approved. Or land the big client. Or convince the rest of the family to choose the movie we want to see. Whatever it is, we infuse emotions as a tool to “manage” the course of our conversations. Many times, passion and enthusiasm can pave the road to positive results. But what happens if those conversation-managing emotions take a darker turn? I’m talking about Read More
Got Conflict? Start Using Assertive Communications
Got Conflict? Start Using Assertive Communications
by Connie Podesta, Hall of Fame Speaker In many of my keynote messages, I share with my audiences some facts about the psychology of human behavior—insights into why we do what we do, say what we say, and react the way we react. That’s handy information, because very few of us are flying solo through this world. We’re all interconnected. At work. At home. In our communities. If we want to get along and work effectively with other people (loved ones, friends, colleagues or neighbors), we need to learn how to be excellent communicators. Especially when we face conflict. And, quite frankly, Read More
Quit Talking So Much
Quit Talking So Much
By Communication Keynote Speaker Connie Podesta Raise your hand if you’re a “talker”. I know I’ve been guilty of it. I remember as a kid, a teacher saying to me that I wouldn’t amount to much because I talked too much! Fortunately for me, I grew up to be a keynote speaker, so I learned to leverage that particular skill! As a former therapist and human relationship expert, I’ve also learned a whole lot since those school days about what connects us and what divides us as human beings. As leaders, spouses, partners, parents, friends – all of those roles require communication skills. In Read More
Millennial Alert: How to Handle Older Folks in the Workplace
Millennial Alert: How to Handle Older Folks in the Workplace
12 Insights from Someone Who’s Been There, Done That By Motivational Business Keynote Speaker Connie Podesta I recently spoke to a large audience made up mostly of millennials. And they had tons of questions about working with “older people”. And I realized ... hey, that’s me! I am always teaching people how to deal with the millennials, but I never teach them how to deal with us. So, in fun, here are a few good tips when working with the rest of us that just might come in handy. Whichever side of the generational fence you’re on – these will be good tips to take with you! 13 Top Read More