A huge thank you to Michele McGovern, and the team at ResourcefulSelling.com for the nod in this year's list of the Top 42 Motivational Speakers Who Can Energize Any Sales Team. What an honor to be in such illustrious company! I love sales and salespeople. Delivering the tools and insights that can help them not only increase production but develop strong, amazing long-term customer relationships that turn into customers for life is a passion. https://www.resourcefulselling.com/motivational-speakers/ Kudos to your team for your thoughtful research and article! It's an honor to serve Read More
Quit Moving on When the Sale is Closed
Quit Moving on When the Sale is Closed
By Connie Podesta, Hall of Fame Speaker Let’s be clear salespeople – if you’re only in it for the money, you’re leaving money on the table. How’s that for an attention-getter? Sales is an amazing industry, often with sky’s-the-limit earning potential, but you and I both know that there are plenty of people in it just for the quick dollar, not the long-term customer relationship. You know the ones, right? Those who literally move on to find their next deal before the ink is dry on the sale they just closed? Here’s what you are missing: The lifetime value of a client. Personally, more than Read More
Quit Pressuring People to Buy
Quit Pressuring People to Buy
By Connie Podesta The world has changed. The way consumers buy has changed. That old school, “There are ONLY TWO left” tactics are out. The truth is consumers have OPTIONS now. There’s hardly anything that we can’t purchase online. So, the high-pressure, gimmicky, push people to purchase sales delivery will get you exactly the opposite results than what you want. I’m reminded of how many times I’ve gone into a car dealership only to have someone try the, “I’ve got to speak to my sales manager” routine. Now, when I want to purchase a car, I go straight to the manager and tell them I Read More
Sales Pitfalls: When the Ego Goes Unchecked
Sales Pitfalls: When the Ego Goes Unchecked
By Sales Keynote Speaker and Human Behavior Expert Connie Podesta When it comes to top salespeople, ego comes with the territory. That bullet-proof attitude of self-assured confidence is what allows them to step out of the crowd and into the spotlight. It gives them the charisma to persuade and influence. It fuels their drive to close the deal and be the best. It’s also what can stop them in their tracks. I’ll give you a personal example. Years ago, I was working to land a keynote speaking engagement with a blue-chip company that I REALLY wanted on my client list. I knew, without a Read More
Quit Leading Everyone the Same
Quit Leading Everyone the Same
Avoiding the Leadership “Golden Rule” Trap Read More
No SALES tips in Your Speech?
No SALES tips in Your Speech?
You’re Shortchanging Your Audience By Sales Keynote Speaker Connie Podesta There’s one outstanding reason why I weave a bit of sales strategy into every single talk I give: because everyone is in sales--they just don't know it. No matter what their job title, description, industry or organization--their ability to sell ( or not) is a game changer. First I teach them how to sell themselves! We dig deep into their personality-pros and cons. Strengths and weaknesses. Then we identify their style of communication. Then move into levels of confidence. And finally discuss their ability to Read More
EVERYONE is in Sales… Regardless of Job Title
EVERYONE is in Sales… Regardless of Job Title
As a Keynote Speaker, I often ask my audience: exactly what IS your title? Or perhaps I should say titles plural since we’re often asked to wear many hats these days in our hustling, bustling work environment. And their answers? Are all over the board. Bottom line: No matter what your job title or description, ALL of us are in SALES. Oh, and if you don’t realize that SALES is the single, most important aspect of your job, then you will never experience the success you want and deserve. “Whoa now,” some of them reply, “No way. I don’t like, want to be in, have an Read More