And Why That’s More Important Than EVER By Motivational Keynote Speaker Connie Podesta I always tell my audiences, "If there was ever a time to differentiate yourself and Stand Out From The Crowd--it is NOW! Business as usual is over!" Bottom line: To rise to the top and stay there as an organization you must be able to answer this #1 question: "What do you bring to the table that is so unique, outstanding, so UNEXPECTEDLY awesome--that people would CHOOSE to do business with you, partner with you, buy from you, and trust you - rather than someone else?” Because the truth is Read More
It’s the WHY That Makes All the Difference
It’s the WHY That Makes All the Difference
The Missing Piece That Separates Good Leaders from Great Ones Read More
How to Hire the Perfect Motivational Keynote Speaker
How to Hire the Perfect Motivational Keynote Speaker
Learn the Top Ten Traits to Look For With Industry Thought Leader Connie Podesta By Julie Escobar, Syndicated Columnist This is it. Crunch time. You’ve got an event on the horizon and you’ve been challenged to make sure it’s the best attended, most results-producing, high-impact, high-added value gathering your organization or client has ever seen. No pressure – right? I’ve been there – those are big shoes to fill! To help you work smarter (not harder) and make the best possible decision – I’ve tapped into one of the best, most sought-after motivational speakers I know – Connie Podesta Read More
LEADERSHIP—What Works and What Doesn’t!
LEADERSHIP—What Works and What Doesn’t!
And How You Can Make it WORK For You By Leadership Keynote Speaker Connie Podesta As I work with leaders, managers and supervisors around the world, I keep running into the same four leadership styles. One is amazingly effective and promotes a healthy, productive environment and the other three? Well they do exactly the opposite. They create havoc. Lack of motivation. Disruption. Teams that can’t work together. Low productivity. Resistance to change. And high turnover. Let’s take a look at what DOESN”T work first. Number one: The micro-manager. You know the type. Overachieving, Read More
Re-Thinking Your CHOICES.
Re-Thinking Your CHOICES.
It's All About Perspective by Motivational Keynote Speaker Connie Podesta The truth is? The difference between being POWERFUL and POWERLESS in our lives really does come down to CHOICE. We can ACT or REACT. We can find the GOOD or the BAD in any given situation. We can LEARN from each day or keep repeating old habits and patterns. It's up to us. Each of us. Every day. If what you want is to live differently. Abundantly. Purposefully. Creatively. You absolutely CAN. It all starts with taking CHARGE of your life. TAKING CHARGE means: No more excuses Being accountable Read More
The #1 Reason People Either Fail or Succeed
The #1 Reason People Either Fail or Succeed
COMMUNICATION: More Important Than EVER in Our Frantic 24/7 World By Motivational Keynote Speaker Connie Podesta Communication used to be my #1 topic. But not anymore. Now, people are lulled by the flashy, new, quirky “it” topics-- Innovation. Collaboration. Integration. Synergy. And the list goes on. These topics definitely sounds trendier than just the simple old-school communication topic. But let’s be honest. The flashiest topics in the world still depend on one thing—YOUR ABILITY TO COMMUNICATE your ideas, thoughts, feelings, and concerns in a way that allows people to Read More
How to Survive a Crisis
How to Survive a Crisis
Fighting for Happiness in the Midst of Tragedy By Motivational Keynote Speaker Connie Podesta Whoa! Life is moving along just fine, thank you very much—when out of the blue, it hits us—a crisis! For me it was a recent house fire which destroyed 90% of everything material that I owned, loved and cared for. A crisis is something so far from what we wanted or expected that it totally knocks the breath out of us. “It’s like a dream,” we say. “I’m going to wake up and discover this never ever happened at all.” But unfortunately we don’t wake up. There it is, a looming force to be reckoned Read More
#1 Key to Outstanding Customer Service—Understanding PEOPLE
#1 Key to Outstanding Customer Service—Understanding PEOPLE
Six Essential Elements to Adopt in Your Business By award-winning Keynote Speaker and Author Connie Podesta Bottom line: If you don’t understand PEOPLE-- customers, colleagues, leaders, owners, family, friends and YOURSELF, there is NO WAY you can ever experience success—at any level. Imagine just for a moment how much you, your team, and your franchise could accomplish if you understood WHY people do what they do and say what they say. Especially when it comes to your customers. Reality check: Customers are picky, internet savvy, impatient (even INSTANT gratification takes way Read More
Passive Aggressive Personality Issues?
Passive Aggressive Personality Issues?
Top Tips for Dealing with THESE Difficult People By Connie Podesta In any situation where you suspect passive-aggressive behavior, you must begin by first taking a close look at yourself and your dominant communication style. This is NOT to excuse them in any way, because their behavior is definitely unhealthy, non-productive, and usually hurtful. But we need to take an honest look at our own behavior to determine if we are possibly contributing to an environment that allows passive-behavior to grow and thrive. Passive-aggressives are reacting to us and to what they believe we are Read More
The Passive Personality: The Path of Least Resistance
The Passive Personality: The Path of Least Resistance
More From the Life Would Be Easy Series... By Connie Podesta Passives take the path of least resistance by tuning out, ignoring, avoiding or backing away and withdrawing from people and situations rather than dealing with them head-on. I know they say the “meek shall inherit the earth” but it sure don’t make it any easier for the rest of us (or themselves for that matter) whether it’s in the workplace, at home, at a family gathering or dealing with customers. So let’s explore what’s going on inside this always intimidated, afraid-to-get-their-needs-met and often frustrating personality. Read More
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