A Leader-to-Leader Thought for the Day By Business Leadership Keynote Speaker Connie Podesta As leaders, we are aware that our employees will produce more. Sell more. Lead better. Collaborate easier. Increase production. And attract more customers when they are being positively supported, engaged, respected and encouraged. In other words, the better we are at creating and sustaining a healthy environment for our team, the healthier, happier, and more productive they will be. What we often forget, however, is that a healthy work/home environment always starts with a healthy Read More
Psychological Leadership Hack
Psychological Leadership Hack
Listen FIRST! By Connie Podesta, Business Motivational Speaker, and Human Behavior Expert There are a LOT of leaders who come into their position waving their “I'm the boss” flag like gangbusters. You know the type. Hit everyone with new rules. New ideas. New ways. Grand proclamations about being IN CHARGE! Start marking territory. Um… psychologically speaking? That’s the fastest way to send your team upside down and underground awaiting your fall from grace. Here’s a leadership hack for you: START by LISTENING. What? How novel! When people feel like they are being HEARD and Read More
Quit Accepting Yourself as You Are
Quit Accepting Yourself as You Are
By Motivational Speaker Connie Podesta I know, I know. As a motivational keynote speaker, I can’t tell you how many times I hear the battle cry, “Just be YOU! Don’t change! You’re enough!” And yet, here’s my question: How's that REALLY working for you? Be honest now. Got the house you want? Car you want? Partner you want? Wealth you want? Body you want? Job you want? Happiness you want? Health you want? Peace you want? Confidence you want? Success you want? Then maybe – when it comes to getting what you want – just being YOU isn’t enough after all. Listen, I’m all about being your own Read More
CHANGE: It’s In Your DNA
CHANGE: It’s In Your DNA
Especially in Today’s World By Motivational Keynote Speaker and Human Behavior Expert Connie Podesta In my best-selling book 10 Ways to Stand Out From the Crowd, the first topic I tackle is CHANGE. That’s because it’s such a pivotal part of creating the life you really want. Change is scary, I get it. Our volatile world today is changing seemingly at the speed of light and we, as human beings, are desperately trying to do one of two things: embrace change and learn to adapt, or fight it with all that we have and stay stuck in the past. Since time most certainly will march on with or Read More
Don’t Hire Another Outside Speaker … Until You Read This
Don’t Hire Another Outside Speaker … Until You Read This
A Just Ask Connie Blog "Why waste money on outside speakers …" the email began. "What our team really needs is to hear from our own internal leadership team. An outside speaker doesn’t even understand our unique business." Not the first time I’ve heard those words. My response? Is usually, "Really? Let’s dig a little deeper and break those theories down a bit." First, "Why waste money?" You know, that’s a legitimate question and money can be misspent if… A: You hire the WRONG speaker. You know the drill. It’s time to choose a speaker but it’s "decision by committee" – and there’s Read More
Just Ask Connie: Why Your Audience Needs More Than Rah-Rah Motivation
Just Ask Connie: Why Your Audience Needs More Than Rah-Rah Motivation
"I'm planning an event for my company and I've been directed to find a ‘motivational speaker’ to open our conference. What does that mean exactly?" I get these kind of emails all the time. It's a great question. I get it. There’s a lot of confusion because the word "motivation" gets thrown around when it comes to speaking. No surprise, it’s one of the top words Googled when searching for a speaker. Let me make it a little easier. With more than 25 years in this business, I can tell you that there are three main types of speakers who fit under the category of Motivation. Content Read More
Just Me and the Audience
Just Me and the Audience
Why I Don’t Use Slides or PowerPoint By Motivational Keynote Speaker Connie Podesta I’m often asked why I don’t use slides in my keynote presentations. (Most people just hug me when they find out I'm PowerPoint free!). Here’s my thought: It’s not about the slides. I don’t have a personal grudge against PowerPoint or anything – or even those who use it. It’s just not ME. If you’ve ever seen me speak – or know me personally, one thing will come across probably in the first three minutes: I engage immediately with my audiences. I’m direct. And I absolutely LOVE playing off my Read More
No SALES tips in Your Speech?
No SALES tips in Your Speech?
You’re Shortchanging Your Audience By Sales Keynote Speaker Connie Podesta There’s one outstanding reason why I weave a bit of sales strategy into every single talk I give: because everyone is in sales--they just don't know it. No matter what their job title, description, industry or organization--their ability to sell ( or not) is a game changer. First I teach them how to sell themselves! We dig deep into their personality-pros and cons. Strengths and weaknesses. Then we identify their style of communication. Then move into levels of confidence. And finally discuss their ability to Read More
Eight Reasons Wearing a Watch is Really Cool!
Eight Reasons Wearing a Watch is Really Cool!
By Motivational Keynote Speaker Connie Podesta So what's the deal with not wearing watches these days? Look around. Half the population have left their watches in a drawer at home just waiting to be used again. In fact, to some people, wearing a watch has become a sign of old age. An antiquated accessory (or so goes the myth) no longer necessary since the iPhone came into play. Well think again. When asked the time I can, with a flick of my wrist and a quick eye glance, answer before someone with a phone can even begin to find it, turn it on, get lost in Facebook distractions, and deliver Read More
The Audience is the Star of the Event
The Audience is the Star of the Event
NOT the Speaker By Motivational Keynote Speaker Connie Podesta After more than 25 years in this industry, I’m fairly sure I’ve seen it ALL. Or at least ALMOST all there is to see in terms of types of speakers and what they bring to the “table” for the events at which they present. And like any profession, they run the gamut from the all right to the extraordinary. The down-to-earth to the drop-everything-for-me divas. The brand new to the seasoned professional. Here’s what every one of them SHOULD know but many don’t: it’s not about THE SPEAKER. It should always, always, and one more for Read More
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