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Can’t get enough of my free gifts. No problem. How about my nine most requested articles to help you deal with difficult people and situations both personally and professionally. You’ll love these.
Life Would Be Easy if it Weren’t for Other People, Part 1
Life Would Be Easy if it Weren’t for Other People, Part 2
Life Would Be Easy if it Weren’t for Other People, Part 3
Life Would Be Easy if it Weren’t for Other People, Part 4
Life Would Be Easy if it Weren’t for Other People, Part 5
Life Would Be Easy if it Weren’t for Other People, Part 6
Life Would Be Easy if it Weren’t for Other People, Part 7
Life Would Be Easy if it Weren’t for Other People, Part 8
Life Would Be Easy if it Weren’t for Other People, Part 9
10 Ways To Standout From The Crowd Videos
Positive Attitude
Life Balance
Connie Podesta is a game-changing, idea-generating ball of fire whose rare blend of humor, substance, style and personality have made her one of the most memorable, in-demand speakers in the world today. 25 years. Two million people. 1000 organizations. Hall of Fame speaker. Award-winning author. Seven books. Former Radio/TV personality. Comedienne. Human Relations Expert. Therapist for 30 years. Topics on sales, leadership, change, life balance and success. And (what we all probably could use now and then)…a Comedienne.